Idea Fair
Member Assistance Program
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
BHYC looks at their members like family. Now more than ever, it’s important to check in on those you care about. That’s why BHYC implemented a program to ensure the physical and mental well-being of the members through the Member Assistance Program. The Member Assistance Program provides a variety of wellness aspects, ranging from grocery and household product pickup and delivery to check-up calls with elderly members. The Member Assistance Program simply allowed the membership to know that BHYC was here for them during this time and also gave BHYC the opportunity to keep their employees working while club operations were limited.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
With connections to reliable wholesale vendors, the F&B team offered grocery items that could be acquired through the Club via curbside pickup. Items ranged from produce to fresh meats and fish and sanitation products. Quarantining members were offered delivery with the help of member volunteers who would be “on call” through the week. In an effort to ensure good mental health, events team members Karen LeVine and Meghan McGrath called every single Club member over the age of 75 to make sure they were ok and see if they were in need of any necessities. Members jumped at this service immediately. Paper towels, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizers were some of the most popular items. Numerous members relied on this service throughout the summer as their sole means of obtaining basic groceries. Phone calls solidified the lengths that BHYC was determined to go to ensure the well-being and health of the members. BHYC will be continuing these services going forward.

About the author
Holly Bilotti