Idea Fair
New Rewards = Highly Motivated Juniors
In 2019, we decided to move away from the basic reward system of handing out candy for a job well done to a new currency – CCV Bucks. Juniors golfers have the ability to earn actual CCV Bucks for a variety of actions – winning contests, participating in group discussions, assisting with clinic prep, and exhibiting a positive attitude – just to name a few. At the end of the season, we host a Wrap-Up celebration and have a huge table of items that juniors can buy with their CCV Bucks. Items range from small things like golf balls and head covers to bigger items like golf bags and clubs.
What we found was CCV Bucks have a much bigger impact on juniors of all ages – rather than earning something that is gone in minutes, these juniors are responsible for managing their ‘money’ and understanding how their behavior, effort and performance can impact the end total. Our juniors have been more engaged in the weekly clinics and look forward to finding out what opportunities are available for CCV Bucks.

About the author
Phil Kiester