Idea Fair
Passport Series
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The passport series has given the membership even more reason to use the club during the winter months. Historically, the club is slower after the holidays through the winter. The passport series is a fun and interactive way to keep our membership involved during the months away from golf. Each week the Chef and his culinary team create dishes from a different country. When the members order these featured dishes their passport is stamp for that country. Those members who have "traveled" to each country is then entered into a giveaway including a dinner for two accompanied by a bottle of Dom Perignon.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The idea was implemented using visual posters and communications in the monthly club newsletter, weekly emails and updated on social media with the cuisine featured each week. So far, member reaction has been very positive and they look forward to what dishes are going to be featured for upcoming weeks.

About the author
Tyler Winkowski