Idea Fair
Pull Up for a Push Up
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
During COVID-19, we wanted to find a way to give kids something fun and safe to do all the while getting them out of the house and from behind a screen. The idea we came up with, drive through Ice Cream treat days. We were able to partner with a local vendor who provided traditional Louisiana Snoballs (not sno cones!) which is a unique treat. The other days and treats were an assortment for ice cream treats we all grew up with (Choco Taco, Push-Ups, Strawberry Shortcake Bars, Ice-pops) economically friendly offerings. We ran the event through the spring and into the new school year.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The reactions were great – members just loved having something different to do and give the kids something to look forward to. The plan is to continue this event and others similar after COVID-19 and expand upon it with other treats (fried Oreos)!

About the author
Josh Paris