Idea Fair
Safety Video
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
With circumstances changing almost daily during the pandemic, we wanted to make sure our members were informed and felt safe coming to our club. We created a video that was posted on each of our social media sites so it could not be missed. Pointers that we felt needed to be included were where to make a pool reservation, when to show up for your reserved time, where to enter and exit, our guest policy, and more. At Champions Run, we know that videos are the most engaging form of media, but we know that not everyone watches them. We also posted these points of information around the club via flyers.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Our creative and aquatics director, Ben Lorenzen, filmed this video in various places at our pool — where to wait outside, the entrance, hand sanitizer stations, and the exit. Our lifeguards and pool cafe staff also displayed the cleaning procedures at the pool. The members found this video to be a helpful video to refer back to and share with their friends and family. When our Health Department changed the safety protocols throughout the summer, we would update our membership as needed through these videos.

About the author
Ben Lorenzen