Idea Fair
Situational Awareness Self Dense Classes
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Philadelphia Country Club hosted Situational Awareness Self Dense Classes for Members throughout the Back-to-School season this past fall. The two-hour class was hosted by a professional certified in counter terror who lead discussions as well as hands-on training for groups up to 20 people. The classes highlighted everyday situations and resonated with a wide age range of attendees. The first classes were so successful the two more classes were added in future months and two additional classes were arranged for the employees of the Club.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Membership's response to the classes was overwhelmingly positive. Even those who did not participate, felt the offering was timely and relevant to many different sectors of the Membership. The employee classes were also very welcomed and viewed as a continued concern of employees well being.

About the author
Ashly Ryan