Idea Fair
Socially Distanced Coats
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
INTRODUCTION: We can’t let a virus get in the way of house rules, now can we? Coat check is mandatory at the DAC. And since it’s tough to socially distance a coat, we had to get creative.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
SPREADING OUT: The DAC typically has a capacity of roughly 500 coats, more than enough space for our smaller-than-normal crowds and their coats. We started by putting a foot of space between coats, giving us a new “distanced” capacity of 97. But when winter inevitably came, we needed a solution to make members feel they were safe and their belongings cared for. Wrapping the coats seemed like a solution, but how can we do that efficiently?
IMITATION AS FLATTERY: Watching our dry cleaning come back every week, neatly wrapped in plastic, provided the impetus for how we would sustain coat check throughout the winter. We were able to source the same type of rack used at a professional dry cleaner. The rack has space to hang a coat as well as a roll of clear bags attached. We simply hang the coat, pull the bag down over it and hang the coat. This allows us to operate the coat check mostly as normal and gives members peace of mind that their belongings are being cared for and that the Club is looking out for their health and safety.

About the author
Tai Tran