Idea Fair
Staff Holiday Drive-Thru
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
IIn appreciation for our wonderful staff during the 2020 Holiday Season, the Club decided to have a safe and socially distanced holiday event. The Board of Governors and the Executive Team wanted to give back to our staff with a drive-thru holiday event. Each staff member received their holiday bonus, their choice of a turkey or a ham, a poinsettia, and a box of holiday cookies.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The implementation of the employee holiday drive-by was carefully planned as it included several giveaways including the holiday bonuses. Each employee had a choice of a uncooked turkey or ham; the giveaways consisted of a poinsettias, a box of cookies, gift cards along with their holiday bonus. The club hosted the drive by on a Monday when the club is closed, allowing for all staff and executives to participate in this special holiday event which was much appreciated by all staff members and their families.

About the author
Michael Nyerges