Idea Fair
Sulgrave Signature
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Employee Scholarship Program was established as a vehicle for members to give back to the club’s highly valued and dedicated employees. The purpose is to aid qualified Club Employees and their children in their education endeavors as well as personal and professional growth.
The Employee Scholarship’s awarded annually to employees and their children. The applications are submitted to management for review before a final recommendation is made to our Board of Directors. The scholarships are presented at the Annually Meeting where the recipients are recognized in from of the membership.
The Employee Scholarship Fund is sustained by the proceeds of Sulgrave Signature items. Sulgrave Signature are personalized merchandise that are hand selected by the Sulgrave Signature committee. Items are available for sale at the club and through and online website. The items are also available for gift wrapping and shipping as a small price.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Sulgrave Signature Committee was formed to help select items and create buzz for the program. The committee is highly motivated and engaged with the scholarship process. They selected 2-3 new items to purchase each year to help sustain consistent sales. The membership is more likely to purchase items and sometimes even additional items as soon as they understand what the proceeds are being used for. Members enjoy having items available for themselves or as gifts with their club represented.

About the author
Margaux Beuscher