Idea Fair
Tara Iti Whānau (Family) Charitable Trust
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Due to COVID-19, in 2020 Tara Iti Golf Club established the Tara Iti Whānau (Family) Charitable Trust to support it’s caddies, employees and families and to assist other people in the wider community, including clubs and many non-for-profit organisations. The main purpose of the Trust was to initiate and administer financial support for the betterment of our people and to overcome financial hardship.
The idea behind Tara Iti’s Whānau (family) Charitable Trust solidifies the fact that our people and community are an integral part of our club culture. It strongly relates to our guiding principles which embody the true spirit of our Whānau (Māori word for family).
The Trust continues to enhance our club’s operations by providing revenue which can be passed on to assist and encourage our people. It has also proven that our membership offer an overwhelming amount of support, they truly value our team and also the wider community which they too are an important part of. Their kindness has been reciprocated by many letters of gratefulness and the strong connections formed. It has assisted the club in retaining our employees and also our caddies core. It continues to improve morale, positivity and goodwill.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Charitable Trust was implemented and is currently administered by myself the General Manager, 3 employees as well as 4 club members acting as Trustees. Due to the timing of this initiative the small committee held weekly zoom meetings and collaborated their ideas.
Considerable contributions from our membership showed us that this idea was a way in which they could make a difference to the lives of many and to keep a strong connection not only with our club but also the wider community during these challenging times.
Through club communications such as our quarterly newsletter we acknowledge our members contributions and share with them those that have benefitted. As a result we continue to receive a number of donations from our membership without actually solicitation.

About the author
Matt Guzik