Idea Fair
Task Force
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
BHYC created a task force to focus on and address urgent matters that arise relative to Covid-19 in addition to altering Club policies that need to adapt to the situation. The Task Force was assembled with individuals from different professional backgrounds like doctors, insurance specialists, financial advisors, healthcare executives, political lobbyists and Club management. The diversity of professionals provided insight from all angles and allowed for the best possible decisions to be made. The Task Force provided transparent communication between the Club policy makers and the membership, providing peace of mind and ensuring the Club’s status and safety was an ongoing discussion.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Task Force met weekly from May through the end of the year and focused on several topics ranging from enforcing New Jersey quarantining recommendations to approving Club events. After discussing significant topics that would impact Club operations, recommendations were submitted to the Board. Upon approval from the Board of Trustees, the Task Force’s recommendation would then be viewed as an interim policy. The Task Force also acted as a body of enforcement allowing BHYC’s management team to enforce these new interim policies. Regardless of global events, a stand-in committee is beneficial to the well-being of any Club. Members appreciated staying in the know of Club operations and learning about BHYC’s new programs, policies and closures in a rapid and clear manner. The Task Force will continue their efforts through the remainder of the pandemic.

About the author
Holly Bilotti