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Idea Fair

Tech 101 and 201: Value-Added, Complimentary, Exert-Led Education

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

Technology is present in a lot of our club's operation today. With this, having an in-house Director of Information Technology, with an operations background, the idea came up to have the Director of IT teach member classes to promote best practices of utilizing Grey Oaks applications (Tech 101). These have all been well attended by members, especially those who had never logged in to the member website or mobile app before, but wanted a little guidance. This then spun off to include a more broad technology class (Tech 201), for those looking to simply be informed on the latest trends in technology.

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

In coordination with the Events department, we scheduled several complimentary classes throughout the year. With the average member age going down and members becoming more tech-savvy, members have enjoyed this additional benefit of having an in-house resource for any tech question they may have, whether Club-related or not.

About the author

David Benjamin

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