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Idea Fair

The Heartbeat

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

The Food and Beverage management team has long been considering an opportunity to bring back the “Employee of the month” program. We wanted an avenue to incorporate this program that would be intriguing, well-received, and had the potential for longevity. We currently have a monthly publication for our membership (as many clubs do), and we utilized that to come up with the idea for a monthly publication for the staff, an internal newsletter if you will.

We called it the “Carriage Club Heartbeat”, fondly referred to as, “The Beat”.

“The Beat” consists of a variety of focuses to inform, educate, and delight our staff. Not only does it include the employee of the month (with head shot and bio) but it also includes a monthly recipe from Chef, a beverage tip from our Beverage Manager, names of new club members and staff members, upcoming events and important dates, a monthly training topic, and even some monthly jokes!

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

The inaugural issue of the beat was a collaborative effort and feedback was welcomed to continue improving the impact and execution of this newsletter. Each month upon its printing “The Beat” is distributed amongst the various departments.

This idea was not necessarily intended for the members to receive- however there have been a few members who have come across “The Beat” and have expressed to us what a lovely idea they think it is- and how exciting it is to see the fellowship of all Carriage Club staff across the different departments. The staff has received this idea with great enthusiasm. Each month they look forward to getting their copy and enjoy laughing and learning together. He or She who is named Employee of the Month is praised and applauded by their peers- which was our exact intention with this publication.

About the author

Kaitlyn Allen

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