Idea Fair
There's No "I" in Team
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
For several years the Club has provided a performance based annual bonus for senior staff that manage large departments. Although the amount of the bonus was partially based on the results of the annual performance review, it was highly subjective. With predetermined goals that are now aligned with the Board goals and annual objectives, the participating senior staff have a good understanding of the expectations and how the performance bonus is determined. It has also simplified the process for the Compensation Committee and Board when determining the amount of an annual performance bonus.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Strategic Plan is updated at the Annual Board Retreat which includes an Action Plan and goals for the year. The Senior Staff then meets and collectively sets annual goals that align with the Boards. Each goal represents a percentage of the potential bonus. Several of the same goals are shared by the entire team or with other multiple managers. This has truly created a stronger team that has accountability to each other. In most cases the completion of a goal will improve the management of the operation or the member or staff experience.

About the author
Bruce Pruitt