Idea Fair
Trunk or Treat
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Trunk or Treat - Jump in the car and drive over to the Club where your family will park in a designated Trunk or Treat tailgating area in our ENCC lot! Costumes are a must and we highly encourage you to decorate your car and bring treats to share with any trunk-or-treaters who may be visiting your vehicle! We will be offering a special to-go tailgating menu delivered right to your car, full bar service, and other spooky fun activities for all ages! Plan to participate in our fun contests that night (group costume contest, best decorated car award, and pumpkin decorating).
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
To create the most safe and enjoyable event, we worked with the open-air option of trunk or treat and tailored it to our Club! We offered a special to-go menu which we delivered right to the members’ cars! We had a full bar set up outside and servers were able to deliver drinks and signature concoctions to members quickly as well! The event kicked off with special visits from Beetlejuice, Frankenstein (on stilts!), and the Wicked Witch! The evening continued on with awarding prizes for the various contests, engaging the kids in magic shows, and having a photographer on site to capture all of the fun! Members loved this new format so much that they have asked us to make Trunk or Treat an ENCC annual tradition!

About the author
Lori LeBard