Idea Fair
Trustee Tours
An orientation program designed for new board members to help them build working relationships with department managers. It would also give board members an opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at how the Club operates and better acquaint them with areas of the Club that they do not frequently visit.
A department manager was paired up with a board member in which they would not ordinarily interact. That duo then embarked on a complete campus tour with a pre-written checklist to ensure the board member viewed every portion of the property, while specifically highlighting areas of the Club that member would not ordinarily frequent. Throughout this tour both parties engaged in casual conversation, speaking transparently about the areas of success and struggle through the department manager's eyes. Casual conversation, on many occasions, turned into thoughtful and insightful communication that revealed a fresh new look at the areas of struggle. This allowed for creative and innovative solutions and enabled the board member to get a complete understanding of the Club functions as a whole behind the scenes. The reaction from the board members was overwhelmingly positive as many members gleamed overseeing portions of the Club like the kitchen and the maintenance workshops.

About the author
Holly Bilotti