Idea Fair
Turkey Trot
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Our tried-and-true Turkey Trot cross country golf event got a facelift this year. The event has always featured a golf event with a turkey donated to a local non-profit for each player who registered. To create a weeklong celebration of giving and community involvement, a Turkey Trot 5k was added as well. This event hit the streets surrounding the club and served as the kickoff for our food and toy drives for local non-profits that wrapped up on Giving Tuesday.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The golf tournament is hosted on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and is played regardless of weather (yes, we played in the snow a few years back!). In addition to a turkey being donated for each participant, we also give the membership the opportunity to donate funds towards the turkey purchase, regardless of event participation and a lot of pride is taken in this part of the event. While the fun run was the kickoff of the donation boxes, they remained at the club through Giving Tuesday. A Red Cross Blood Drive was also hosted at the club on that Tuesday. What a great week it was, the involvement from our membership and staff in the golf event, fun run and donations were the perfect feel-good way to start the holiday season.

About the author
Greg Gilg