A: Now that the proposal period has ended, a committee will convene at the end of June to review the submissions and select speakers for the 2026 CMAA World Conference.
Speaking at the World Conference
Interested in Presenting at the 2026 CMAA World Conference and Club Business Expo?
Proposal submissions close on May 30
Share your expertise and insights with industry leaders and emerging talent at the premier event of CMAA's dynamic professional development calendar—the World Conference & Club Business Expo!
Every year, this global gathering draws together 2,500 professionals and hospitality students from across the globe for a week of inspiration and networking.
Founded in 1927, the Club Management Association of America (CMAA) is the largest professional association for club management professionals with 8,100 members. Our members contribute to the success of more than 2,600 country, golf, athletic, city, faculty, military, town, and yacht clubs.
The objectives of the Association are to promote relationships between club management professionals and other similar professions; to encourage the education and advancement of members; and to provide the resources needed for efficient and successful club operations. Under the covenants of professionalism, education, leadership, and community, CMAA continues to extend its reach as the leader in the club management practice.
CMAA is headquartered in Alexandria, VA, with 38 professional chapters and 40 current and prospective student chapters.
We invite you to be a part of our 2026 World Conference, set to take place from February 17-21, 2026, in Anaheim, CA. Multiple submissions are accepted.
Q: When will speakers be selected?
Q: When will I receive notification regarding my proposal submission?
A: Notification will be sent to both selected and non-selected speakers by the end of July.
Q: If not selected, can I find out why my submission was not chosen?
A: A variety of factors are considered during the review process, but unfortunately, we are unable to provide individual feedback on each submitted proposal.
Q: Are there other CMAA events where I can speak?
A: CMAA retains proposals and will review them for opportunities at other events and reach out to speakers, if there is a need.
CMAA’s Chapters are always looking for fresh speakers. Please feel free to check out our Chapter Directory and reach out to any Chapters to see if they are looking for a speaker on your topic.
Q: Will my proposal be retained for next year?
A: No. You will need to submit again in 2027 when the RFP opens in approximately April 2027.
Q: How do I submit for 2027 if I am not selected or missed the deadline for submission?
A: CMAA will retain the email addresses of those not selected and notify them when the proposal process opens again for the 2027 CMAA World Conference.
If you missed the deadline, you can email Michelle Carrington to have your name added to the notification list for the 2027 proposal period.