Set Objectives
The first step of your job is to work with other Chapter officers to develop a communications plan. Determine what your Chapter wants to accomplish by setting short- and long-term goals. Keep in mind that your plan should encompass four main areas: press relations, community relations, allied relations and member relations.
Set Measurable Goals
Whether you are recruiting members or increasing knowledge of programs, benefits and services, consider how to achieve these goals and how to measure your progress.
Set Priorities
Work on priorities in order of importance and timeliness.
Serve As Spokesperson
As the Communications/Public Relations Chair, you are the liaison to the press. You and the Chapter President must be prepared to serve as the official spokesperson for the Chapter. Make this known to Chapter members and discourage them from talking “off the cuff” with the media about Chapter policies, industry issues, etc.
Know Your Chapter and National Association
Get familiar with the structure and benefits of your Chapter and the National Association. Have the biographical information of your Chapter Officers and Chairs on hand as well as the Association’s Board of Directors. Keep up to date on your Chapter’s and the Association’s calendars.
Know Your Current Events and Issues
By keeping up with current events on the local, state, and national levels, you can inform members on how these events and issues affect the club management industry. Information on new bills, the economy, social trends, etc., can all affect the industry; work closely with your Legislative Chair and keep Chapter members informed through regularly published newsletters.
Promote Association Programs
Develop promotions within your Chapter to advance Chapter and Association programs such as the annual, nationwide Chapters Collecting for Communities and the various CMAA award programs.
Foster Excellent Member Relations
Communication is the key to fostering good relations with the members of your Chapter. Not only do you need to communicate information to members in a manner that they will remember, but you also need to make them feel good about being involved in the Chapter. If they are happy, they will share their positive Chapter experiences with prospective members.
Communicate With Members
One of the best ways to keep your Chapter members informed is through a Chapter newsletter. The newsletter is also an excellent way to keep key supporters and the media up to date about Chapter activities. Newsletters can contain meeting notices, information on projects for charity or community programs and information from National Headquarters. Keep the information timely and distribute the newsletter regularly.
Communicate With the National Headquarters
Don’t forget, we’re in public relations, too. We want to promote the great activities you are doing. Let the National Headquarters know what you are up to so that CMAA can help spread the word.
Promote Industry Relations
Fostering good industry relations is essential in today’s business climate. Strong industry relations can strengthen public opinion and affect government legislation. As the Communications/Public Relations Chair, it is your responsibility to help your Chapter work with other associations to increase public awareness about the club industry and help influence government legislation regarding any branch of the hospitality industry, including golfing, restaurant, wine, fitness, and hotel/motel sectors.