Chapter Education
Despite all that CMAA is able to offer on the national level, chapter education programs are still vital to club managers. These programs provide CMAA members (and potential members) with education and networking opportunities that often cannot be duplicated on a national scale.
CMAA chapters develop and orchestrate their own annual chapter education programs. These may include programs in the form of lecture, as directed by an instructor; round-table discussions; tours/ tastings; panel discussions; etc. Programs four hours or longer must be pre-approved by CMI, through the Education Department at the National Headquarters. CMI-approved workshops (six hours in length) are in-depth explorations of a specific topic related to the club management profession. To have your program approved, please submit the Chapter Education Meeting/Workshop Request form.
Program Suggestions/Guidelines
Potential Speakers
1. CMAA officers, directors, and the National Headquarters staff may be available for chapter programs.
2. Other CMAA Members—There are several club managers who are well-qualified to speak on a wide variety of subjects; some may even be your own chapter members.
3. Other Chapters—through its community of chapter Managing Directors, other chapters may often provide recommendations based on recent engagements for both speakers and topics that have been both popular and highly-rated.
4. Investigate cooperating with other allied associations. Specified allied association programs count for CMAA credit.
The contacts compiled here are just the tip of the iceberg. Many more are listed in the classified pages of your phone directory. Allied trade associations such as the AH&LA, National Restaurant Association, American Dietetic Association and National Executive Housekeepers Association can often provide excellent speakers. You can also check with your Chamber of Commerce or local university faculty. Be sure to also check with your chapter members for speaker suggestions.
Suggested Program Formats
Chapter Workshops
This type of program is a requirement for managers seeking the CCM designation, and it is an excellent source for in-depth coverage concerning one specific area of the club industry.
Panel Discussion
Choose a popular subject recommended by members during your survey and ask three or four local managers to each address a specific aspect of the general subject. Leave time at the end for a question-and answer period.
Round-Table Discussions
Select a competent moderator who can conduct an orderly discussion of several topics suggested by and commented on by the audience.
If your chapter is large enough to have various groups of managers with entirely different clubs, it would be wise to have separate round-table discussions for country, university, city clubs, etc.
Experimental Meal/New Cooking Techniques
National food producers are making notable strides in the marketing of frozen and dehydrated foods as well as locally produced and sustainable foods. Proper contact will produce the food items for your group plus a representative who will discuss the various possibilities of use in your operation.
Equipment manufacturers of all types are most pleased to exhibit products or services geared toward club operations.
Idea Fair
Promote a contest among local managers who will present and discuss unique ideas they have used with success in their club operations. Select the winners and honor them.
Have the local meat purveyor break down a side of beef into commercial cuts with a full explanation identifying each cut and methods of cooking and serving. Also discuss different grades of beef and areas of use for each.
Have a representative of the National Coffee Institute demonstrate the proper methods of brewing coffee. Contact a representative of a carpet manufacturer who can show samples and discuss the various weaves, methods of judging quality, special uses, etc.
Consider having a tour each year. Some large companies have beverage and dining facilities they might offer to your group before or after the tour. Some ideas include tours to a glass or china factory, meat company, winery, brewery, distillery, cloth or carpet mill, spice mill, etc.
Educational Series
There are many critical subjects that cannot be covered properly at one meeting. They may be of such interest to a majority of your members that a series could be established. Examples include:
- Club Housekeeping
- First meeting: Cleaning windows, drapes, floors and carpets, walls and ceilings.
- Second meeting: Furniture cleaning and repair.
- Third meeting: Cart paths, drives, parking lot, flower beds.
- Sanitation
- First meeting: Receiving, storing and issuing food, caring for leftovers, equipment design, collecting and removing trash.
- Second meeting: Locker room problems such as athlete’s foot, types of shower slippers, razors, hair tonic, other items made available to members.
- Third meeting: Personnel standards for cleanliness, required physical exams, etc.
- Purchase Specifications
- First meeting: How to develop specifications, discussions of specific samples from a local club.
- Second meeting: Specifications by a purveyor of meat, produce, silverware, etc.
- Third meeting: Have a good leader use the brainstorming method to develop a good purchase specification for each food product group, carpets, silverware, produce, etc.
- Club Repairs and Maintenance
- First meeting: Carpentry and painting.
- Second meeting: Electrical and mechanical.
- Achieving Work Standards
- First meeting: Human relations, training service employees, training kitchen employees.
- Second meeting: Writing job descriptions, kitchen and dining room organization, improving work methods.
- Third meeting: Checklists for service personnel, production control forms.
NOTE: One or more professional representatives from each field should be invited as authorities when the
topic becomes too detailed.
Typical CMAA Subjects
- CMAA Policies and/or Objectives;
- The CMAA Certification Programs, Certification Maintenance Requirement, Certified Chief Executive, Honor Society, Master Club Manager;
- New Bylaws;
- CMAA Services and Benefits;
- History of Clubs and CMAA;
- CMAA’s website Demonstration;
- Chapter Education; and
- Online Education Programs.
How to Design and Implement Chapter Education Programs
I. Fulfill the CMAA Requirements
- Article XII, Section 3-D of the CMAA Bylaws states, “At least four chapter meetings per year shall feature educational programs as part of the activities.”
Many chapters consider it a service to their members to exceed the minimum requirement by having six or eight education programs each year. An active, interesting education program will give your chapter renewed vigor and will allow chapter members to accumulate the required number of credits toward Active status andcertification. - Appoint a Chapter Education Chair.
II. Survey Your Chapter Members
- Find out what your members need and want. Get their opinions on the types of programs you should schedule for the year.
- Survey your members.
- Check with the Education Department at the National Headquarters for available programs, speakers and resources.
III. Analyze the Survey Results
- Make sure the programs you arrange are diverse and not aimed at one particular type or size of club operation.
- See that the program format for the year offers variety. For example, do not have all lectures or all tours.
- Fit the program format to the budget. Available program funds will tend to dictate some programs for your chapter; however, remember, a large budget doesn’t guarantee a good program. With planning and ingenuity, excellent programs can be presented on a small budget.
- Don’t rule out a program series. In checking the results of your member survey, you might find strong acceptance of subjects that could require more than one meeting to cover adequately. A program series can be most valuable.
- Ask for a critique of each program. Sample CMAA evaluation cards will be provided for your convenience. Members’ reactions will guide you in planning future programs. If changes in your original plans are suggested, make them whenever possible. Re-evaluate your entire program at the end of the year. Pass on worthwhile information and suggestions to next year’s Education Chair.
IV. Consider a Timetable
- The questionnaire responses from the members might provide enough answers to become a guide for programs for the next two or three years. Pass this information along so it can be used by your successor.
- Establish program formats well in advance to allow ample time to develop a stronger presentation and maximize attendance.
- Check the CMAA Education Calendar included in Chapter Digest, Outlook and on the CMAA website to ensure your program dates do not conflict with other scheduled programs.
V. Implement Your Program
- Get your meeting dates and sites lined up early.
- If a speaker is scheduled, confirm in writing all arrangements and expenses well in advance of the meeting. Notify the CMAA Education Department of your year’s program schedule as soon as possible.
- Any program longer than three and a half hours needs to be pre-approved by CMAA.
- Arrange a substitute program in case of an emergency.
- Always schedule meetings before the social hour.
- Promote the program. Give as much care to your chapter programs as you do to your club programs. Sell it! Several chapters appoint a calling committee for personal contact following the program announcement. If a program is four hours or more, CMAA will publicize it in the Association Calendar found in both Chapter Digest and Outlook on a space-available basis and on CMAA’s website
- If your survey (implemented in Step II) is successful, the members will have set up their own program. It is up to you to promote it and present it to your fullest capabilities.
VI. Report Your Chapter’s Education Program
- The Education Department keeps a file of chapter meeting reports. You must also submit your chapter meeting minutes online. Save valuable time by simply logging on and transmitting your minutes electronically.
- In filling out the form, please complete each section, paying close attention to the correct spelling of the Speaker Name, Meeting Date, and Title etc.
- Be very fair and honest in your evaluation. CMAA will recommend or not recommend speakers based upon comments in the Chapter Meeting Minutes form.
- Your chapter’s filing of the Chapter Meeting Minutes forms will help other CMAA chapters in developing their own education programs. CMI uses the reports to alert the membership to unique programs, new speakers and program ideas that can be adapted to fit each chapter’s needs.