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Warren Arseneaux Honorary Scholarship

The Warren Arseneaux Honorary Scholarship, established in 2007 by the CMAA Wine Society, honors Warren L. Arseneaux, CCM, an instrumental founder of the CMAA Wine Society and a Past President of CMAA who gave many years of dedicated service to CMAA and Wine Society. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide tuition for a CMAA Wine Society member who has a passion and love for wine and is interested in continuing his or her professional development to attend the BMI Wine and Food Experience at the Culinary Institute of America’s Greystone Campus or other education opportunity as approved by the IWS Board of Managers.

Submission Deadline: October 7, 2024

Submit Application

Recent Winners


Kemorr S. Condappa
Clubhouse Manager,
Colonial Country Club,
Ft. Myers, FL


Mihai Piroska
Dining Room Supervisor,
Hollywood Golf Club,
Deal, NJ


Jamie Walker
Food and Beverage Manager,
The Country Club,
Pepper Pike, OH

About Warren Arseneaux

Arseneaux’s path began at Louisiana State University, where a summer job in 1965 at the Valencia Club (a youth club) would influence and direct him toward a career in club management. He graduated in 1969 from the University of New Orleans with a degree in Mathematics and continued his employment with the Valencia Club, also tutoring kids in math and chemistry. He moved from assistant manager to general manager of the club in 1977. Arseneaux became involved both on a chapter (Pelican Chapter) and national level with the Club Managers Association of America. He continued employment with the club until 1983 when he and a friend partnered in a retail wine and gourmet food business. In 1985, transition landed him at the helm of the Louisiana Club. In 1987, Arseneaux took a position as general manager at the Victoria Country Club in Texas. During his tenure there, he earned his Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation in 1990. He was active with the Texas Lone Star Chapter, serving as chairman for various committees as well as a chapter board member from 1990-1993. In 1994, his next position took him to Greenville, SC, with the Poinsett Club, where he stayed until 2006. Arseneaux then moved to the Greenville Country Club from which he retired.

Through the years, Arseneaux’s professional involvement with CMAA grew and he served on many national committees. He was elected to the national Board of Directors and served from 1994 to 1997. In 1997, he earned entry into the prestigious CMAA Honor Society. He served as CMAA Secretary-Treasurer in 1998; Vice President in 1999 and then President of CMAA in 2000. As a visionary in the industry, he was a driving force behind the formation of the Wine Society and became its chairman in 1988. He served on the Board from 1988 to 1992, was the originator of the Wine Auction, which benefits The Club Foundation and served as chairman of the auction in 1991 and 1992. As a strong supporter of The Club Foundation, Arseneaux was also instrumental in the founding of their auction and raffle. A long list of other professional affiliations over the course of his 42-year career included: American Wine Society; Les Amis du Vin; Les Amis D’Escoffier Le Chapitre de Houston; Chaine des Rotisseurs; Vice President of the Food Service Executive Association’s New Orleans Chapter, 1986; and Rotary International. In addition, he was an active volunteer with such organizations as the United Cerebral Palsy Association of New Orleans, 1985 to 1987; Cerebral Palsy Sports Association Chairman, 1985 to 1987; Youth Life Campaign; and Bluebonnet Youth Ranch. From 2000 forward, Arseneaux had continued involvement with raising funds for charities and agencies who dealt with at-risk children. Up until his death, he had been chairman of a project for five agencies and they expected to raise $250,000. Arseneaux had been supported through the years by his wife Claudia and their three children. He lost his battle with cancer in September 2007.

Warren Arseneaux was respected and loved by his peers. He was truly a friend to many and a role model to all.


The CMAA Wine Society will award one scholarship annually, based on the availability of funds and merit of application. In order to help recipients expand upon their knowledge of wine, the scholarship will cover the registration fee associated with the BMI Wine and Food Experience and other travel/lodging expenses (totaling up to no more than $5,000, collectively for course registration, travel, lodging, etc.). Scholarship awards will be granted based on recommendations made by the CMAA WS Scholarship Committee and approved by the CMAA WS Board of Managers. Travel must be made at least two weeks in advance of the workshop and recipients must be housed in the conference host hotel and abide by the hotel’s registration deadline for expenses to be reimbursed.

Any CMAA Wine Society member who has a current CMAA Professional (01) status and who is dedicated to professional development in the knowledge of wine is invited to apply.


To apply for the Warren L. Arseneaux Honorary Scholarship you must complete the online application form by October 7, 2024. When completing the form, please be sure to:

  1. Attach a copy of your current résumé
  2. Write an essay (500 to 1,000 words) addressing the following components:
    1. Describe in detail your career objectives and goals.
    2. Detail the reasons you wish to pursue your professional development in the area of wine and food.
    3. Describe your specific interests within the club management field.
  3. Attach two letters of recommendation from peers within your chapter

Please Note: You must apply via the online form; applications sent via email will not be accepted.


The scholarship must be used in the ensuing year (awarded for 2022, used for the BMI Wine & Food course in the fall of 2023).
  • The scholarship only applies to the BMI Wine and Food Experience if not yet taken and is not transferable to other educational programs, unless specifically approved by the WS Board of Managers.
  • All funds granted for the scholarship will be made directly to CMAA on behalf of the recipient.
  • Travel must be made at least one month in advance of the workshop and recipients must be housed in the conference host hotel and abide by the hotel’s registration deadline for expenses to be reimbursed.


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